Personalized services
Manan Business Sales takes on only a few select cases and gives each one personalized attention. We assign a team to be fully dedicated to your case and to devote full energy to achieving the desired goal in the best possible way. We deliver results and assure successful outcomes.
Proven Methodology Tailored to Your Business
We have turned business broking into a fine art and science, the result of years of experience that led to expertise in understanding clients, working out strategies and implementation for quick results. The proof is in our having helped over 500 businesses across diverse industry segments to achieve their goal.
Proactive Director-led Deal Teams
Manan Business Sales does not sit back and expect people to walk in through the doors. We have a “go get them” approach. Our team actively propagates a deal, promotes it and finds buyers followed by continuous engagement leading to successful closure.
End-to-End Transactions
Business sale is a journey with many intermediate steps. We start from the very beginning and hand-hold clients through each stop on to the final destination, which is realization of proceeds and documentation finalization. Signed, sealed, delivered.
Benefits of Multiple Synergistic Buyers
The ideal of finding a single buyer is rarely realized, especially in high value deals. We go about brokering and forming a syndicate by bringing interested parties to the table, drawing up legal documents that satisfy everyone and meet obligations and follow through to successful completion. We negotiate from a commanding position.
Maintaining Confidentiality
The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing” is our motto when we take on clients. We maintain blanket confidentiality of all aspects related to a business deal and keep the deal under wraps even after it is finalized, if you so wish.
Investing to Understand Your Business
Even before we arrive at any definite agreement, we invest time and effort to understand each client, assess possibilities and analyze various possibilities. Only then do we proceed with defining a concept and then creating a strategy.
Professional Research & Marketing Materials
our operations follow twin, intermeshing paths of using “old school” techniques of human networks as well as modern day IT technologies to research markets, understand supply-demand characteristics, identify potential buyers and carve a strategy that will ensure success.
Global networks
Manan Business Sales is a member of the global M&W Worldwide organization that gives us access to a global chain of associates engaged in similar activities. It takes a moment to spread the word and to zero in on a prospective buyer anywhere in the world.
Defined Time-frames and Costs
Our lean operations, reliance on digital technologies and speed of operations reduce our overheads. This means we can offer the most reasonable terms, leaving you with profit in your hands. We work fast, assuring results within 3 months.
Stay in the loop
For our clients everything is open and transparent at each stage. You stay in touch with us and we give constant updates and progress reports so that you can chip in with your ideas as we move ahead.