Talk with us before you even initiate sale of your business. We provide invaluable guidance and assistance through our expert sales consulting service.
Discuss pros and cons
Our specialists discuss the matter with you and help you to know clearly the pros and cons of selling your business.
Timing is everything. Sell in a recession and you incur losses. Sell when markets are on the up and you realise a profit. Our experts help you to decide on the right timing to put your business up for sale.
Ads and market strategies
Ads and market strategies can be developed to suit your expectations and to get the right buyer at the right price.
Tax implications
Get full details on tax implications of the proposed sale and on how to get the best tax benefit from the transaction.
Employee concerns
There are connected issues such as how to handle existing employees and their future when you dispose of your business to another individual or company. Our experts make it an easy transition for everyone.
Due diligence
Our legal experts make sure everything is in perfect conformity so that you do not face roadblocks at any stage of the transaction. We even carry out due diligence of buyer. At this stage we also advise our clients to take care of all outstanding transactions and liabilities of business transactions and also property and other tax payments in order to present a clear financial picture.