Manan Business Sales has refined the business sales process in a very streamlined and structured way comprising of sequential progressive steps ultimately leading to a satisfactory conclusion.
Business value appraisal
It is absolutely free. Our experts will carry out a value appraisal of your existing business and tell you precisely the market value as well as price you can expect given the conditions.
Business assessment
Our team carries out a thorough assessment of your business in order to find out strengths, weaknesses, areas of improvement, customer base and competition. This is the precursor to a finite strategy.
Custom Research
Our involvement is not simply transactional. We delve deeper through systematic research for each client to cover a wide range of related topics in order to develop the best plan to move ahead.
Proactive Direct Marketing Campaign
We mobilise and initiate action on a war footing, based on the premise that attack is the best way to gain advantage. We conduct an active campaign and reach out to potential buyers instead of sitting back and waiting for customers to walk in.
Buyer qualification
Even before we sit down to negotiate we thoroughly vet all those parties showing interest in a deal and select only those that meet our strict standards. This way we reduce time and effort.
Negotiations and offers
Selling a business is not like an across the counter sale. It involves protracted negotiations and we engage in it, skilled and well-versed in the nuanced progression towards a deal, examining, evaluating and deciding each step of the way.
Due Diligence
Systematic, thorough and detailed, our due diligence covers the entire spectrum and nothing falls through the cracks.
Legal and settlement
Manan Business Sale finally completes the deal with legal procedures, documentation and settlement to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
Even before we proceed we draw up a confidentiality agreement and take meticulous care in first selecting decision makers with whom the business information will be shared. You are on safe ground and in safe hands here.
For more information on the business sales process, you can visit the Australian Government’s Business Resources.